Seventh Report on State Responsibility

Seventh Report on State Responsibility





This Report deals with the special or supplementary consequences of “State Crimes” identified in the provisionally adopted (Ago’s) Article 19, covering both substantive and instrumental consequences. It then goes on to deal with the indispensable role of international institutions and, specifically, with the conceivable combined roles of the International Court of Justice, of the UN General Assembly and of the Security Council. The Report includes remarks on the distinction between any ILC system relating to the substantive and instrumental consequences of “State Crimes”, on the one hand, and the United Nations Charter’s Security System, on the other hand. Finally, the Report includes the texts of articles 15 to 20 as proposed by the Special Rapporteur, concerning the instrumental implementation of the consequences of  the “State Crimes” contemplated in the provisionally adopted Article 19 as proposed by Roberto Ago.